A Basic Introduction to NPs

A Basic Introduction to NPs

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878535217300990 pdf download: Nanoparticles: Properties, applications and toxicities Although dated, with a vast array of nanoparticle morphology available today, the Center of Research Excellence in Nanotechnology located at the King…
Top Solar Parks – Not by a Long Shot

Top Solar Parks – Not by a Long Shot

img src: https://helioscsp.com/on-sun-test-of-novel-solar-combined-cycle/ https://grammarist.com/idiom/not-by-a-long-shot-and-not-by-a-long-chalk/ "We're running out of time with climate change" = FALSE CLAIM. Thousands of scientists leading the field in geo-evolution and biosurfactants have already proven the scam…