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My family name Zawada (nee) the orginal root name originated in Medieval times. Dozens of variant family names have birthed from Zawada over the centuries in many nations. 

Although we have traced Zawada back before the 12th century, before the word “Jew” was invented by the British, our lineage will continue to document historical evidence of our diaspora trek. Our data is critical in understanding the wanderings of the tribes of Israel as we safeguarded Torah over the centuries and still do to this day as scribes.

The root name Zawada, pronounced Zah-vah-da with a V instead of the W, was forcefully given to our Jewish community as a last name. Thus, the meaning of the name “stumbling block Zyd,” or of/from Zydom.

“The Polish state paralleled the Roman Empire in that full rights of citizenship were limited to the nobility/szlachta. The nobility/szlachta in Poland, where Latin was written and spoken far and wide, used the Roman naming convention of the tria nomina (praenomen, nomen, and cognomen) to distinguish Polish citizens/nobles/szlachta from the peasantry and foreigners, hence why multiple surnames are associated with many Polish coat of arms.”

Zawada from 1811-1931

Notice the date from 1811, which to many is consideded the time when surnames were allowed to be selected. Of course hundreds of years had passed for the Jewish communities by this time. Many throughout the generations had selected their names based on trade, status, religion, physicality, and affiliation/assimilation.

Zawada is an old word, naturally, as the Torah is ancient, defining time.

The name Zawada, referred in many text as ‘nee Zawada’ or the original surname, in itself has no ties to Polish, or non-Jewish entity on record. All records of the name Zawada emanate from Shtetl’s and dorf (town or village) of Zydom/Jewish communities.

The name alone in mid 1800’s proved whether a person could open a shop, be hired for work, or be franchised as a citizen in any given city, town, or wieś.

In Polish “z Dąbrówki” and “Dąbrowski” mean the same thing: “of, from Dąbrówka.”[39]:60 More precisely, “z Dąbrówki” means owning the patrimony or estate Dąbrówka, not necessarily originating from. Almost all the surnames of genuine Polish szlachta can be traced back to a patrimony or locality, despite time scattering most families far from their original home. John of Zamość called himself John Zamoyski, Stephen of Potok called himself Potocki. At least since the 17th century the surnames/cognomens of noble families became fixed and were inherited by following generations, remaining in that form until today.” [42]

This means your name came to the end of it’s root evolution less than three hundred years ago. If you were a serf/peasant, nobility, or a Jew – your name will determine the beginnings and origin of such.

Almost all the surnames of genuine Polish szlachta can be traced back to a patrimony or locality.”

Religion was not really a factor. Jews tended to use whatever spelling was regarded as correct where they lived. As I say, in Polish -sky is incorrect, -ski is correct, so Jews living among Poles usually spelled it -ski. Jews living among Czechs spelled it -sky because that is correct in Czech. If they lived in what is now Belarus or Russia or Ukraine — as millions did — their names were written in the Cyrillic alphabet, and could be rendered in our alphabet as -ski, -sky, -skiy, -skyi, -skyj, -skij, and so on. Most often it ended up as -sky, so that spelling seems to predominate among Jewish immigrants. But there were and are plenty of Jews in America who spell their names -ski.” Polish

The above is only part true. Last names were forced upon the Jewish communities miasteczko for taxation, draft, and assimilation.

Now I received an email today from a person not quite understanding the root of his name, Zawada, as he assumed it meant from an “innkeeper who lived in a difficult geographic area,” and others believe the name emanates from “by a ford or river crossing.” 

You have to remember by the end of the 17th century, the name has evolved to what it is now in modern society, not what the name was at origin.

The Zawada name has evolved through origin with Jews, the Roman Catholic Church, in taxation, through serfdom, through integrating marriage with Christians, through village & city, through the Holocaust, through Jews leaving under aliyah, through the 1968 purge, to what it is now today in Poland – offspring of mixed lineage.

Judaic do not have last names – this is a modern act based on either purchasing a last name, choice by profession, or a forced name for taxation/assimilation.

It is very easy to find the root of your name based on the etymology – you just follow to the origin in history.

Since before 1948 Jews started going back to the origin of taking the fathers name as “son of,” or “bar / ben”.

David ben/bar Shmuel – David son of Shmuel.

When Polish authority came to a dorf in the 15th century, it went something like this,

Hey you, what’s your last name?”

Response: “Abram ben Mendel.”

To another guy, “Hey, what’s your name?” response, “Chaim ben Judah.”

“..what the heck, all these guys are called ben something…”

Well, you’re not going to call every town ben something to represent every family, and the authority is going to make you follow suit with what everyone else is doing, thus, pick a last name, or one will be chosen for you. There is varying debate of when this happened but predominantly after the 15th century.

All you Jews need to have last names, pick a last name based on your rodzina (family, household).”

Of course the Jews have been down this road many times and probably said,

No speaky Polish, sorry, I do not understand what you mean…pfff last name.. schmuck.”

All joking aside, this of of course turns into unrest and the next thing you know a sign is hung on a post of your dorf that says Rodzina, Zawada” (Jew Family, Difficult People, Stumbling Block).

What does the Polish word Zawada mean?

zawada (also: blokada, kłoda, przeszkoda, trudność)

  • hindrance [noun] a person, thing that hinders
  • stumbling block [noun] a difficulty that prevents progress

zawada (also: blokada, blok, kłoda, zablokowanie)

zawada (also: zatamowanie, obstrukcja, zator)

Zavadiv (Ukrainian: Завадів, Polish: Zawadów, Russian: Завадов, Zavadov). The name derives from the word zavada/zawada which literally means “obstacle” in several Slavic languages. It may refer to several places in Lviv Oblast, Ukraine:

  • Zavadiv, Mostyska Raion, village in Mostyska Raion
  • Zavadiv, Stryi Raion, village in Stryi Raion
  • Zavadiv, Yavoriv Raion, village in Yavoriv Raion
  • Zavadiv, Zhovkva Raion, village in Zhovkva Raion

South East Poland was Ukranian, Russian, and Polish depending on the century and movements of the Partitions of Poland:

Zawada is also a variant of the Polish word skandal from the Greek skandalon (σκάνδαλο), latin scandalum which can be seen in many scripture.

The word scandalum is used to describe the situation between Jesus and the Sanhedrin in many Bibles “Jesus…a scandalum to the Jews,” from 1 Corinthians 1:23,

23 Ale my każemy Chrystusa ukrzyżowanego, Żydom wprawdzie zgorszenie, a Grekom głupstwo;

23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock,(Polish zawada, zgorszenie) and unto the Greeks foolishness;

Scandal, in the Bible, an action that can lead others to sin, that is, metaphorically to a moral stumble and fall into a trap. It derives from the Greek scandalon whose literal origin states: the trigger of a trap or a snare set on an enemy; is also translated as scandal, stone/rock, stumbling or obstruction (zawada).

Although scandalum is used in many Bible translations, the word was placed there purposely to insinuate believing in Jesus is a scandal or “sin” to any Jews that do so.

However, Christian translators are largely oblivious to this fact as they do not understand the use of Greek/Hebrew/Polish words in many regards.

The word scandalum was inserted into the scriptures so that the verse would not read as a “stumbling block to Jews” – in essence the verse now reads as,

“this is a scandal (slander) to the Jews,” rather than a stumbling block that grinds one to powder when it falls on you.

The word “zgorszenie” is used in modern translations to denote mischief and the Polish skandal. The word zawada was a newer (nee original) word after the 15th century with printing of Bibles in Germany and Poland.

The words used to define Ioudaios developed into the slang word “Yuden,” “Iewes” and eventually “Jew” with the aid of the circulating German term stolperstein and of course the dorf or townships of zawada.

The zawada word on record never denotes a “place” before the 17th century, but a group of people, or “the stumbling block people,” and clearly defines the antisemitic times.

Also, the word Zawada is a much older than the newer English idiom “Jew” from Iewes found within the 1535 AD Coverdale Bible.

In Poland no one was referred to as “Jews” like you see in the movies. The Pianist starring actor Adrian Brody writers used German/English analogy to define Polish living, like the newer English “Jew” phrase used in the movie.

In 16th century Poland no one was called a “Jew” – the word did not exist.

Those who followed Judaism were labeled Zawada and many of the provinces/towns (shtetl’s/dorf) still exist to this day, although no longer considered “Judaic” origin due to the Polish and Soviet pogroms.

The Yiddish language primarily from Lithuanian and German descent would determine the difference between those who semi-assimilated into culture and those who simply became German like the Stein’s and Berg’s.

The pogroms could not wipe us out!

I believe the Polish government must acknowlege these facts, for all Polish Zawada who suffered and died in Auchwitz, Dachau, and Flossenburg camps, rather than pretend the word means something wholly different, rather than a slang word aimed at a culture of people.

Their blood cries out from the grave.

In summary, the Polish word Zawada generally means ‘stumbling block,’ or ‘hindrance,’ from the German for stumbling block stolperstein. I see many people researching their name on and mistakenly think the Zawada name is German – sorry, it is not.

If your last name is Zawada, then your family was Jewish or Polish – not German. So take off your lederhosen. If your great grandfather was German, he would not have the name Zawada – that is a Jewish name primarily from a Polish/Ukranian/ Russian locality. Many Zawada served and died as soldiers with the Russian army and against the Nazi’s who tried to wipe us out!

The suffixes -ina/-yna are added to noun-derived names ending in -a, and usually indicate a married woman; the corresponding form for unmarried women was -anka or -ianka (sometimes -onka or -ionka). So Mrs. Zaręba is “pani Zarębina,” and Miss Zaręba is “panna Zarębianka.”

Thus, the difference between Polish names and why a German/Polish man could never have the name Zawada. Only a person who was foreign to Poland and Prussia, non-secular, and believed in Torah could possess the name Zawada at origin. We refused last names as customary from the Levant as we travelled through Turkey and Ukraine.

Zawada is considered a neutral word, as per the reality that small villages became towns and why you see dozens of Zawada province/villages in Poland today. The word Zawada, however is not a neutral word as per the etymology of history.

Rather the word was bourne from biblical reference of a German phrase as pointed out, slang or insult if you will, and that word, which had no tie to Polish ancestry on record was birthed onto a culture of people.

The word for obstacle in Polish is now:


So where did this Zawada come from when the word has no ties to przeszkoda?

500+ years ago a man with the name ending in ‘a‘ was considered a married girl, a ridicule by the Poles to the Jews, for in their culture ending in -a either meant a married woman, or unwed girl or as determining a locality, thus neutral.

“z Dąbrówki” means owning the patrimony or estate Dąbrówka;

Zawada, historically, as a noun, is not a locality, but an insult or “one who hinders,” “provides a blockade,” the German rendition of stolperstein –  “a stumbling block.”

Now I received an email from a Polish man with the last name Zawada and he was a bit upset at this information:

“I wanted to facepalm really hard here because it shows you just don’t understand Polish. First off, no, you can have a surname with any gender (even neuter!). I really hope you look up French or Spanish for equivalency, here. See, what you are referring to is if the last name was “Zawadzka” – the dzka meaning “of” also infers the person is female. The male member of the family will have the last name “Zawadzki” – inferring male. Zawada on the other hand, is a root word, it does not infer the gender of the person. For another example, if someone had the last name Skorupko (Izabella Scorupco) meaning “shell”, it just means “shell” it does not mean that she is neuter (the word is neuter because it ends with ‘o’). The proper last name would not be Skorupka because we are using the root word, not a deviation of it.”

The person above who wrote the commentary is basing his Polish as learned from his parents. His name Zawada inherited from his parents has no bearing on society in Poland now as concerning Jews, as the name has already evolved for more than 400+ years and there are many village and city named Zawada as locality.

Polish names have two main elements: the imię, the first name, or given name; and the nazwisko, the last name, family name (surname).

In modern times, the usage of personal names in Poland is generally governed by civil law, church law, personal taste and family custom. The law requires a given name (imię) to indicate the person’s gender.

Almost all Polish female names end in a vowel -a, and most male names end in a consonant or a vowel other than a. There are, however, a few male names that end in a, which are very old and uncommon, such as Barnaba, Bonawentura, Boryna, Jarema, Kosma, Kuba (a diminutive of Jakub) and Saba (RAYMOND JASTRZAB).

Of course Zawada is not considered an insult today. When someone says my last name, I do not take it as an insult, nor does the person saying the name have any understanding of it’s true meaning!

I apologize if you read as such. We share the same name and I understand our name is not derogatory or slander in this era. However, the origin is quite another story.

And just because your last name is Zawada DOES NOT mean you are Jewish!

In order to be considered a Jew you must follow judaic principle and believe in YHWH following mitzvot.

Gender has little to do with a noun based from slander and the result is simply an acceptance of the evolution of the name in society.

The word Zawada is an etymological stamp in history that neither Hitler, nor the Soviet Union and Polish authority could get rid of.

Historical archive prove without a doubt, Jews do not have last names and Zawada was granted – not chosen.

No one is going to choose a slanderous word for a last name!

Now of course the evolution of the word Zawada was fully integrated into Polish society by the 18th century as assimilation was a reality for Prussian, Polish, and Russian Jews. Your family either identified as Jewish or Christian as the Partitions of Poland migrated and evolved.

With Christianity prevalent and antisemitism always a stone throw away, the slavic word Zawada (stumbling block) was more than likely granted popularity during the 16th century at the height of Martin Luther’s dislike for Jews.

We know this because the leading Polish translator at the time Szymon Budny does not use the word Zawada in his time. Naturally a philologic master would not use a newer slang word to describe the descendants of Israel!

Based on this scripture:

1 Corinthians 1:23

“but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block (stolperstein/zawada) to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,”

1 Peter 2

“Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture,

“Behold, I lay in Zion
A chief cornerstone, elect, precious,
And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame.”

Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient, The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone,

and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.

Now Peter was saying this to who? Oh right, the Israeli’s, because that’s what the original Apostles are, Israeli’s who lived in the Levant, not the slang word Iewes (Jews) that descibes those who lived in 18th century Europe.

The truth hurts. The only difference between Judaistic Torah halakha (Law) and Mashiach (Anointed) Zyd is the Holy Spirit and the removal of our sin. Everything else is the same, traditions, culture, and life.

Seeing that my family was named “stumbling block” somebody had to get this word from somewhere, and that somewhere had to be a Bible that was in common print.

Now how do we know this?

The Reformation

Martin Luther – While he was sequestered in the Wartburg Castle (1521–22) Luther began to translate the New Testament from Greek into German in order to make it more accessible to all the people of the “Holy Roman Empire of the German nation.”

Catholic Bible: “Translated from the Vulgate…This Bible was superseded by the new translation of the Jesuit Jakub Wujek (c.1540 – Kraków 1593) that became known as the Jakub Wujek Bible.

“The Brest Bible was superseded by the so-called Gdańsk Bible 1632, which finally became the Bible of all Evangelical Poles.”

“In a paragraph from Martin Luther’s ‘On the Jews and Their Lies,’ he deplores Christendom’s failure to expel them.[1] Moreover, he proposed “What shall we Christians do with this rejected and condemned people, the Jews”:

  • “First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools … This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians …”
  • “Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed.”
  • “Third, I advise that all their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such idolatry, lies, cursing, and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them.”
  • “Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb …”
  • “Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. For they have no business in the countryside …”
  • “Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them …”
  • “Seventh, I recommend putting a flail, an ax, a hoe, a spade, a distaff, or a spindle into the hands of young, strong Jews and Jewesses and letting them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow … But if we are afraid that they might harm us or our wives, children, servants, cattle, etc., … then let us emulate the common sense of other nations such as France, Spain, Bohemia, etc., … then eject them forever from the country …”

Why was the hatred fomenting so badly? One of the reasons was the Bomberg printing of Talmud (1519) in Germany, where Jesus is cursed (Gittin, Sanhedrin) said to be idolatry and Christians are to be destroyed under Rambam’s Laws of Idolatry. That did not go over too well with Luther.

Over the next twenty years, the civility of Luther towards the Jews broke down in his writings.

In 1543 Luther wrote Von den Juden und ihren Lügen (On the Jews and their Lies),

“Dear sir and good friend, I have received a treatise in which a Jew engages in dialog with a Christian. He dares to pervert the scriptural passages which we cite in testimony to our faith, concerning our Lord Christ and Mary his mother, and to interpret them quite differently. With this argument he thinks he can destroy the basis of our faith.”[12]

Martin Luther was not being a very good Christian to blame ALL Jews for Talmud writings now was he?

From 1648 to 1649, Cossack hordes led by Bogdan Chmielnicki massacred the Jews of Eastern Poland. It is estimated that between 100,000 and 200,000 Jews perished at that time.

This antisemitic period between the 16th and 17th century defined the life of Zyd/Jews in Prussia, Poland, and Russia as to their livelihood, expulsion from territory, and last names for taxation.

 We can conclude that during the late 1600’s, living in Poland was absolutely a hostile time for Judaic life.

Between 1550-1670 was the time where the word stumbling block from 1 Corinthians and 1 Peter would be available to all German laymen, and preached from the pulpit, especially by those who followed Luther’s 65,000 word treatise about the Jews.

Naturally this would flow over to all Polish community and philosophy.

Of course a Jew is not going to choose a slander word to represent their last name! The definition of Zawada to mean “a difficult geographic area” is a newer ridiculous concept which fails to account any previous historical record of Jews other than shoah records!

Poland, whether complicit in this cover up of history, either way this faulty denial of Judaic origin in modern Poland is as antisemitic as the 1968 peak expelling the Jewish population once again and assimilating completely with the Soviet Union.

The fact remains, the notion that Zawada derives from an “innkeeper on a ford, or difficult region” is a modern concept, rather than birthed from antisemitism.

Zawadzki is the evolution of Zawada, as Zawada did not denote a location as it does today. We can see all the variants that have come out of the word zawada as it’s impossible to hide this.

Plain and simple, to have the name, Zawada, was an insult before the 17th century for one called a Jew.

The name would always remind everyone that you are a Jew.

If you fast forward from the 16th century to the Nazi’s, Hitler went through great trouble identifying Jewish lineage through what is called Mischling, which was emboldened through the Enabling Act of 1933.

“The Schutzstaffel (SS) used a more stringent standard: In order to join, a candidate had to prove (presumably through baptismal records) that all direct ancestors born since 1750 were not Jewish, or they would have to apply for a German Blood Certificate instead.”

Of course Christians and Jews alike ended up in the concentration camps – it didn’t matter what you were once the Hitler SS found out you had a Jewish lineage.

The Jewish nation is master of resisting assimilation. Nation upon nation have tried for thousands of years, and they lose – every time. Naturally rabbi’s use this reality as a by-word against Christianity, as if there were a difference.

The word “Christian” is greek and a slur/description of those who believe in HaMashiach.

Example, “There goes those crazy Christians!”

The term was given by Romans and written in Greek and Latin. Believing in HaMashiach Jesus, has always been Judaic, but false teachers over time have cunningly made this appear as if salvation is separate from Jewish life, tradition, and identity. It’s a guilt complex spanning two thousand years, and which Israel still pays for to this very day and will continue to do so until YOM YHWH.

However, the genius of protecting the identity of a nation through linguistics (Yiddish), and etymology also pays a toll of equal parts hostility from among rulers and governors, especially when the very people you look down upon become more powerful financially and spiritually.

The Jews have paid this toll, as YHWH commanded would be done, no matter where their feet shall roam. For it is the price to pay when you are one who practices Kiddush.

Many Jews changed the name to variants such as Zawaski to make it look like they were actually from Polish origin rather than be a ‘hindering’ Jew.

Some variants of the root word Zawada:

  • Zavada
  • Savada
  • Zawacki
  • Zawoda
  • Zawadzki
  • Zawadzka
  • Zawzazki
  • Zawode
  • Zavoda
  • Zawady

You had two choices, live in a shtetl with other Jews, or live in German society and gain wealth.

The Russian side of the fence was to be avoided if possible, due to anti-Jewish state mandates, however there are many records of soldiers with the name Zawada.

With the border of Russia moving in and out of Poland over several hundred years, it’s easy to see how many Jews were caught up in the Russian swell and with the Bolshevik’s. Thus, the migration of Jews as the Partitions of Poland changed.

Now of course not all names were forced upon people. Many chose their names to reflect skill sets, trade, merchants, locations, and religion. These were generally chosen by Jews who were assimilating into German or Polish culture. In order to be a German citizen it was law that you spoke German.

If your grandfather did not speak German and his name is Zawada, ask him if he spoke Yiddish, which is 70% German.

More importantly, renaming oneself with Germanic names after 1840 helped in relinquishing the festering antisemitic atmosphere which permeated much of the land.

German Jewish Names:

  • Jewelers – Silverstein, Goldberg, Feinstein
  • Places – Berg, Oppenheimer, Franky, Halperin
  • Looks – Schoenman (handsome), Rothbard (red), Schwartz (dark)
  • TradeZuckerman (sugar), Seid (silk), Spielman (music)
  • Religious – Rabin (Rabbi), Reznick (butcher, sacrificial), Schreiber (scribe)

To see more on Jewish names go here:

Whereas in 1812 Jews in then Prussia proper had been emancipated and naturalised, the Jews of the grand duchy were excluded from citizens franchise, but like women and non-propertied classes mere subjects of the grand duke. Only Christian men, if owning land, were enfranchised as citizens. Whereas Christians had freedom of moving from the grand duchy to Prussia proper, the grand duchy’s Jews were forbidden to immigrate into Prussia.[8] Prussian policy, however, opened an exception, Germanized Jews (those who took on the German language) were enfranchised as citizens and granted freedom of move. So most adherents of the Yiddish culture Germanised themselves within a short period.”

Those who did so were referred as farreter or meshumed, which meant traitor or apostate. Those who intermarried with Christian’s lived in harmony for centuries.

Modern Jewish Zionist propaganda says Jews were constantly dealing with antisemitism with their Christian “neighbors” that they lived with. A perfect example of this antithesis is the town of Kaluszyn where the Great Synagogue was located.

In Kaluszyn, Christians and Jews intermarried and lived harmoniously in the Golden Age for centuries.

Today YOU are told another story of antisemitism by Germans who completely assimilated for wealth and power.

The locality in which the surname lived generally determined the status or religion of the family – Christian or Jew. Jewish families generally combined together within Shtetl’s which of course Polish/Prussian descent looked down upon. Antisemitism was alive and well during the 1800’s and by the late 19th century the Habsburg, Galicia were the sanctuary for Jews and Poles to escape religious persecution and assimilation.

Despite Germanisation efforts, the Polish-speaking population more than doubled to 1,344,000 and remained the majority, however, its percentage decreased to 64% of the population by 1910.[1] However, there were regional differences, with Polish being the prevailing language in the centre, east and south, and German speakers majorities in the west and north.”

Bottomline, if you lived in Saxony and were a “Yuden” you spoke German and were generally non-practicing religion. If you did not speak German you lived to the east or south of Warsaw, spoke Yiddish and Polish, and began to migrate to Austria-Hungary by the late 1800’s.

If you did not get out of Poland/Austria/Germany by early 1900’s, the majority of the Jewish populations by then had intermingled either first or last names from Slavic, German, Polish, Or Russian.

Zawada (224 records)

Zawacki (787 records)

Zawadzki (816 records)

Above, we can clearly see the separation from the root ‘Zawada’ of those who assimilated into Polish society and would no longer carry the burden of being a ‘stumbling block’.

For hundreds of years Jewish communities flourished under their own education established within their Shtetl’s. The most dense population of Zawada/Zawoda name is found East of Warszawa (Warsaw) in Kaluszyn, with records dating back to 1811-1820 in Częstochowa the Frankist community. Zawada’s were exposed to Jacob Frank’s (Jakub Lejbowicz) Sabbatean beliefs and witnessed the Judaic division as a result.

From 1821 to 1880 the majority of records bearing the surname ZAWADA emanate East of Warsaw from the town of Kaluszyn.

The Wikipedia version of Kaluszyn:

Kałuszyn [kaˈwuʂɨn] is a small town in Masovian Voivodeship, Poland.

From the early 17th century, Kaluszyn was predominantly Jewish. The community numbered 1,455 (80% of the total population) in 1827; 6,419 (76%) in 1897; 5,033 (82%) in 1921; 7,256 (82%) in 1931; and approximately 6,500 on the eve of the Holocaust.

Economic branches included the manufacture of pottery, flour mills, prayer shawl weaving and the fur trade.[1]In 1940, a ghetto was established in Kaluszyn, and Jewish property was confiscated. In September 1941, Jews from the surrounding area were moved to this ghetto.

Great Synagogue, Kałuszyn 1935 Yivo

To this day in Poland, many municipalities/towns are still named Zawada. There exist vast historical data about the Jews in the Polish kingdom which historians gather daily. It’s a growing data base.

Small List of Current Zawada Village in Poland.

By the 1870s in Europe and the United States, the argument shifts to the Jews as defective. Not Judaism as defective, but the Jew as a particular social type who had defective mental and moral abilities. All sorts of attributions were made to “the Jews.” The Jews killed Christ, the Jews do not want to accept the truth of Christianity, the Jews made money off the war, the Jews are profiteers, the Jews cheat you in business. The Jews have a certain phenotype: the Jew has a hook nose, the Jew is loud, the Jew talks with his hands.”

Due to the fame of its publisher, Henry Ford Sr., ‘The International Jew’, a four-volume anti-Semitic work first published in the 1920s, has been a particularly powerful tool for haters trying to validate their hostile beliefs. Though Ford publicly apologized twice for publishing The International Jew, online anti-Semites continue to use his name to promote it.”

“Between 1880 and 1914, almost three million Jews left Eastern Europe, representing the most extensive migration in Jewish history since the expulsion of Jews from Spain at the end of the 15th century. Most of the emigrants fled from Russia, where, especially in 1881, 1903, and 1905, horrible pogroms had raged, and where the laws of Czar Alexander III had oppressed Jewish life. Another large number of Jews emigrated from Austria-Hungary and Romania where they left a world of poverty and hostility. Most of them came to the United States in search of freedom, peace, and prosperity.”


Antisemitism was prevalent after the 1920’s thanks to Henry Ford and the Hitler nazi regime, which ultimately ended with my family in Auschwitz and Dachau camps. According to figures, less that 15% of Polish Jews survived.

To research Polish Jewish lineage go here:

Today, Zawada in Powiat wodzisławski (Województwo Śląskie) is a city located in Poland about 191 mi (or 308 km) south-west of Warsaw, the country’s capital town.

Zabreh Ostrava Airport in Czechia in a distance of 14 mi (or 23 km) away.

The Unesco heritage site, Auschwitz Birkenau German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945) is a distance of 35 miles away from Zawada. link

Zawada survivors of death camps that Aliyah to Israel:

Dachau Concentration Camp Record


Zawada and variant victims:

First Name

Last Name

Birth Year

Place of Residence






Ukraine (USSR)

List of persecuted persons





Malin, Ukraine (USSR)

List of persecuted persons

killed in military service




Ukraine (USSR)

List of persecuted persons

killed in military service



Lancut, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Lancut, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Lancut, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Lancut, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Lancut, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Lancut, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Lancut, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books


Esther Malka


Lancut, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Lancut, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books





List of deportation from France





List of deportation from France






Page of Testimony




Sosnowiec, Poland

Page of Testimony





Kazatin, Ukraine (USSR)

List of persecuted persons





Malin, Ukraine (USSR)

Page of Testimony

killed in military service



Losice, Poland

Page of Testimony (digital)





List of persecuted persons

killed in military service



Będzin, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Będzin, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Będzin, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Będzin, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Będzin, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Będzin, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Będzin, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Będzin, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Będzin, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books




Będzin, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books



Zavada Zavoda

Losice, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books



Zavada Zavoda

Losice, Poland

List of murdered Jews from Yizkor books





Krakow, Poland

List of persecuted persons

not stated




Lancut, Poland

List of persecuted persons

killed in military service

Sara Rivka



Bendin, Poland

Page of Testimony


Zwi Hersh



Lancut, Poland

Page of Testimony




Będzin, Poland

Page of Testimony (digital)




Będzin, Poland

Page of Testimony (digital)




Będzin, Poland

Page of Testimony (digital)





Page of Testimony

killed in military service

Avraham Aharon


Bendin, Poland

Page of Testimony


Herch Tzvi


Lancut, Poland

Page of Testimony





Bendsburg, Poland

List of persecuted persons

not stated



Lodz, Poland

List of persecuted persons

not stated



Lodz, Poland

List of persecuted persons

not stated



Lodz, Poland

List of persecuted persons

not stated



Lodz, Poland

List of persecuted persons

not stated



Lodz, Poland

List of persecuted persons

not stated



List of persecuted persons

not stated




Lancut, Poland

Page of Testimony


Hersz Tzvi


Lancut, Poland

Page of Testimony


Akiwa Lajb



Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered

Chaim Jehuda



Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered

Estera Chana



Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered

Zlata Ruchla



Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered

Akiwa Lejb



Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of Lodz ghetto inmates

presumably murdered




Lodz, Poland

List of persecuted persons

not stated




Lodz, Poland

Page of Testimony


Abram Chaim



Warszawa, Poland

List of persecuted persons

not stated




Lodz, Poland

List of persecuted persons

not stated




Lodz, Poland

List of persecuted persons

not stated

Akiwa Leib



Lodz, Poland

List of persecuted persons

not stated




Lodz, Poland

Page of Testimony




Lodz, Poland

Page of Testimony




Lodz, Poland

Page of Testimony



Lodz, Poland

Page of Testimony




Lodz, Poland

Page of Testimony




List of persecuted persons

not stated

After WWII many Jews immigrated to Israel (Aliyah) and America. Since the establishment of Israel in 1948 millions of Jews have committed to Aliyah under Israels “Law of Return” and many organizations provided monetary means for relocating Jews to Israel. 1949 saw the largest Aliyah with 250,000 immigrants and called kibbutz galuyot.

After 1945, the Soviet Union took over Poland and Jewish persecution began all over again.

“Those who stayed in Poland continued to suffer. Dozens of Jewish Holocaust survivors were murdered by their neighbors upon returning to their homes. Some Poles joined a “gold rush,” digging for valuables in mass graves of Jewish bodies. As Communist rule quickly replaced Nazi rule, Polish Jews were forced to choose between their faith and their country. Those who left could remain Jewish; those who stayed had to hide their Jewish identity.”

“The Communist rulers who initiated the anti-Semitic protests in 1968 did not represent the interests of the people, but rather Moscow’s interests,” Jan Zaryn

“That process accelerated with the 1968 purge, when more than 15,000 Jews—half of Poland’s Jewish population—were stripped of citizenship and forced to leave. As a result, less than a tenth of the 10% of Polish Jews who managed to survive the Holocaust remained, says historian Stanislaw Krajewski.”

Clearly YHWH kept His promise to bring Israel back from all corners of the earth.

The Zawada family witnessed one of the most horrific times in the history of Israel since the fall of Beit HaMikdash, but sadly I know it will get worse as Yom YHWH approaches. I weep for Israel and the future tyranny that shall be laid upon her and pray that YHWH will have mercy in His redemption.

To see statistical data of Aliyah you can go here:

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