pic courtesy: https://study.com/learn/lesson/social-movements.html
Look I get it, it’s a bad time now. What we see played out in Africa decades ago is now being played out in America, Asia, and Europe. But everybody is just focused on “it’s such a bad time now of degeneration.”
I know they don’t get it and the jews have to be the scapegoat for everything. You do realize this is biblical right? But everyone is focused on the bad things happening in the world, and I’ll tell ya right now, it’s not just the jews doing all the bad stuff, but you wouldn’t know that by watching the news.
According to scripture this hatred of Israel causes the remnant to become righteous. They will loathe any type of violence, aggressive programs, terrorist activity, or any type of offense in particular. This is well known in prophecy amongst Christian, Islamic, and Jewish scholars. Eloheinu has made this end-scenario known through most navi who came our way over the last millenias to educate us about the future. We have been reminded by Elohim for 4,000 years that He wil not forget us, but redeem us.
So I understand it’s a chaotic time, especially for those who do evil and must ride out their destiny being destroyed by YHWH to showcase to the world what righteousness means. Society tends to forget this along the way based on leaders that take over, new ideology such as eugenics, and family dynasties that wish to remain relevant at all costs.
I have hope. Because I believe what God has said throughout history in which have already come true. It’s not a matter of ignorance but a matter of math and education. Education is a difficult subject in this modern world. For one, many believe themselves to be educated based on graduating from High School, going on to college, and then getting a job. Perhaps you’ll start a business and work outside the box of slavery and find out that the slavery exists in entrepreneurship as well.
Either way you go you’re going to have to face the fact that the world doesn’t run like you were told. The history you’re told is largely fiction and believing these fictions through entertainment and “education” opens a new paradigm for you where truth is merely whatever propaganda you digest.
In essence you write your own story with your own will that is shaped since your youth to believe in categorical terms and ideologies handed down to you from your parents, the environment you lived in, and the suffering you have endured.
The difference between all this suffering the world and humans endure is the price to pay for coming into existence, for having a soul, to know the difference between good and evil for when you are immortal.
Understand it simply as this, no, we don not live in a video game, but rather this testing ground called earth and flesh is a waypoint between living as immortal or being doomed or dead as immortal. That is the test you must pass and as you know it is very, very difficult.
Now I’m not going to explain all this religious mumbo jumbo stuff to you as you have the capability to do that on your own. Get religion or don’t, it doesn’t matter to me either way. I know my experiences and have spent a lot of time educating myself for decades simply out of the capability to do so financially.
If you read Greek, Hebrew, or plain English literature you’ll come away with a new understanding of culture, but that of the human specie from thousands of years ago. I’d bet you’d be surprised to find out reading a 2,000 year old manuscript from Sparta (Greek) community that the men were as articulate as we are today in any writings. They thought and expressed their ideas just like we do today sans flying airplanes and locomotives.
So this history lesson of humanity started thousands of years ago intellectually and has culminated to the 21st century of the Gregorian calendar. And all throughout this history you have had religion, fraud, and those who would have power and control. In the midst of the living of all cultures exist the ability to choose to do good and evil. This “choosing” is what separates the immortal from those who simply perish like a broken vase.
Can I say that El Shaddai has a pre-determined number of how many souls He saves or allows to become immortal? Absolutely, of course Elohim knows.
For the gentiles, which simply means people who do not believe in God or believe in false Gods, which implies there is only one God, the act of salvation is nothing you can do physically.
You can’t save yourself by acts.
Grace is a gift. Salvation is a gift. Immortality is a gift.
The race for immortality only shows that those who do so believe they’ll never achieve it through God, or they’re not willing to take the chance. Either way, the act in itself is rebellion and disobedience to a creator who has already defined rules of the flesh to live. We can call this science achievement or advancement to manipulate DNA so we can live forever, however, when everything is destroyed you’ll find these disobedient unbelievers saying as they always do in history, “oops that didn’t work out so great.”
There is only one way to immortality I can tell you about that gets you actual physical results that you cannot deny. It’s not meditation, yoga, or believing in a religion, but rather accepting a gift.
I don’t expect you to know about or have read anything concerning korbanot or the fact we as humans commit sin and when we do, other things die for this sin. That’s what we refer to when we say human nature and sin. When you sin bad things will happen in the world in general (sickness, famine, war) as output. It doesn’t matter if you understand this, the same as it doesn’t matter if you know how a diesel engine works, as it functions the way it does mechanically.
Ok, so salvation and immortality is a gift from God, which was prophesied to come about after humanity became aware of righteous edicts throughout cultures and realized this choice we have of doing good and evil is an actual governed system much like thermodynamics.
So this gift that is given to humanity by God is whether or not you want to receive eternal life. But there is a price and as Jesus stated “you better count the cost,” of such. The reason here is that once you actually accept this gift you’ll be baptized by what’s called Ruach HaKodesh, or the Holy Spirit in English.
Well this will change your life from that point on. You won’t be able to do the things you used to do and God will intervene in your life from that point on because He promised that none of those who come to Him and accept His gift will be lost. So you become the elect, ἐκλεκτός through the Holy Spirit ingraining you and living within you. As Jesus stated this Holy Spirit comes and goes like the wind upon those who it has elected or sealed σφραγίζω pronounced, sfrä-gē’-zō.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
Apparently this gift by God electing us through his Holy Spirit gives each of us unique individual powers. It’s the reason you see so many fiction books of mutants and super powers to steer you away from receiving any type of gift from God which imbues you with power.
Peter, the fisherman in whom Jesus said, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it,” spoke about this gift from God, saying,
“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10
So this gift that God gives us, lives in and through us, moving about through us as a conduit that serves good for the world. This gift you can simply receive by accepting it, but as jesus said comes with the price of doing good and the Spirit working within you to do good and to be obedient to righteousness and not sinful ways of living. So you’ll be constantly drawn out of sinful things and mourn for doing such as the Spirit cause you to groan while removing you from darkness.
We can see this happening with Israel right now, the darkness revealed and of course YHWH has promised redemption through the awakening to doing evil and humanity hating sin and evil as they are awakened through the Spirit.
So this gift is received through Messiah which Jesus was when He was here amongst men. Jesus promised that He would leave the world with the ability to receive the gift through His name and the salvation of korbanot He provided to both gentiles and Israel since before the removal of korbanot in 70 CE/AD.
It’s up to you to accept this free gift by God, that of immortality and the Holy spirit to land on you, but this comes at the cost of giving up doing evil and living a bachelor existence from that day on.
So how do you receive this free gift?
By asking.
Your enemies make it so difficult for you to “get into heaven” simply because it’s not a human fight but a spiritual fight you don’t understand that spans the eons of time. It’s why Jesus said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:25
Your wealth will not allow you to obtain immortality although this does not stop the very wealthy from trying. In fact, money is the avenue whereby a great majority have been lost, destroyed by greed, their immortality snatched by covetousness.
And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” Luke 12:15
Nor can you take it with you.
So this gift by God cannot be paid for by money earned, or purchased from some rabbi, guru, or charlatan. It simply must be accepted just as you would accept a good gift from your parents or brothers or sisters, or friends.
This gift, however, is immortality. When you die you do not perish like the vast souls who came before you but receive everlasting life in the creators kingdom, rather than the doom that awaits all those who refuse God’s gift and seek only their personal pleasures and greed.
If you want this gift it’s simple, say this prayer to God right now.
Dear God, forgive me of my sins and all my wrongs. I do not understand everything you have done but I wish to receive your eternal life. Please give me this gift of korbanot through Jesus. I accept His gift of redemption for my soul and ask that you would send me your Holy spirit and teach me of you. Amen.
If you have said this prayer in sincerity then certainly YHWH has provided His gift of salvation to you. Remember the day of your salvation for it’s your new birthday! Enjoy and may the grace and salvation of Jesus and our God Eloheinu be with you to bless you amen.