Don’t Fear the Doom and Gloom False Prophets

Don’t Fear the Doom and Gloom False Prophets

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So I’m enjoying a beautiful, rainy, drizzle day – that soft gentle rain and perfect temperature, when suddenly a golf cart comes tearing around a large oak tree driven by….non-employee adolescents! I yell out “Hey!” as they tear through the trees.

Needless to say, the rambunctious youth were grounded from driving golf carts without a license. For some reason it reminded me of what’s largely going on in America right now. It seems there isn’t enough adults in the village to yell out “Stop!” when things get out of hand.

You have every enemy of America, using American business to both propagandize the downfall of America, while at the same time trying to sabotage the minds of Americans through doom and gloom prophecy as PSYOP. In essence, they keep repeating over and over “America is falling, America is falling,” to get the lesser educated of society to repeat the mantra in the hope they’ll believe it and aide in ushering in the destabilization and eventual destruction of America.

Then we have so-called anon prophets telling us Trump is the Messiah to save America through Executive Orders, Nesara, and a miracle of G-d we are told.


I can see how uneducated individuals can believe the drivel by fast talking con-men defined as controlled opposition. Interlaced with these anon announcements will be tethered ads of Don Jr. selling gold and silver, just like all the rest trying to make a dollah $$$ out of the chaos. One side drives a narrative of absolute collapse – the other side drives a narrative of the rider on a white horse coming to save you.

Yet everyone forgets what could be considered the largest theft of the U.S. treasury in history under former President Trump as well as the poison vaccines that killed milions around the world, the tally grows. We’re still waiting for the Trump team to give an answer on how he plans to right the wrong done to millions of Americans. Oh you know, the FORCED military vaccinations of untested mRNA jabs that cost you your jobs and lives, right? Don’t hold your breath waiting for an apology.

Besides, you’re told with the wave of a hand, that Trump was ignorant of what happened, he made a mistake in judgement, or perhaps his deep state staff “tricked him,” about safe and effective. He’s supposed to be your savior riding on a golden, Goldman Sachs platter and many of you believe all of it. They have given you the golden idol you desire. Many still believe the theater from very wealthy Thespians, even after all that has been done to you.

Investigators watched the script flip overnight. Those who were Trump’s enemies the previous day, we’re praising him the day after. President Biden drops out of the presidential race… hmm. Kamala Harris, the current Vice President, picks up the reigns to run for office with Governor Tim Walz (MN) as a running mate rather than Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro. Shapiro had a complaint filed against him in court, accusing him of being involved in the assassination attempt against Trump, if you didn’t know. You can look all that up for yourself btw. I’m not going to link everything for you. Do your homework and create a search impression which tells the enemies that you’re on to them. Everyone, and I mean everyone should be investigating at this point.

What we’re witnessing is irresponsible adults running the cuckoo’s nest.

According to Forbes there are just under 750 billionaires in America, with enough wealth to literally turn the world around from the chaos it’s currently embroiled in, due to bad-guys who want real estate and resource.

I’ve already written about the “billionaire wars” in many articles of which I won’t link to just yet. The competitive cycle of survival will be upticking shortly. You have media guys and preachers going on blogs/TV shows telling people that a billion people are going to die within a couple years. We are surrounded by doomsayers and it’s considered 90 seconds to midnight on the Doomsday clock.

Publilius Syrus,

“A wise man will be master of his mind, a fool it’s slave.”

It’s always been the same nations doing it, just different families and faces. And of course new groups jump in on something that is a profitable venture. If it’s profitable for groups to “take down America,” then it’s simply considered a business venture.

The UK and Russia, although enemies of one another since before WWII, partake in a particular dislike of their neighbors across the pond. Both have keen interest in seeing America subjugated with as much duress as possible. There is a list of countries drooling over the concept of an American demise. One country, of which should hardly be a surprise, has made dramatic inroads into infrastructure ownership concerning food distribution, automotive manufacturing, and nuclear energy.

Have you guessed it?

Germany, like other nations that wish revenge on America, has cut inroads through both green sustainability goals and pragmatic management of manufacturing entity as companies downsize and become leaner over the last several decades by kaizen principle.

I’m not saying that Russian, English, or German citizens in general want revenge, but rather the oligarchs who have suffered painful loss from the Empire’s ravishing lash.

No need to go into painful history lessons here, as you have search engines at your fingertips to educate yourself. At the end of the day to all this manipulation of data, psychological operations, and resource scavenging you’ll find the machine is teetering. It’s been band-aided for far too long and usually it takes a sudden fire to break out or calamity to make us finally replace or fix the machine and that’s what they’re hoping for.

They’re hoping for that big break out, where they can push sustainably your demise without taking their foot off the gas pedal. They want for us what’s described by George Miller, as becoming “Half life.”

Not all believe this way and mostly it’s a good excuse for these billionaires to get the last bits of land if you’re sick and dying.

“Can everything around here be got?” asks Daniel Plainview.

Does Gaza or Mongolia come to mind?

Technology allows for governments to accomplish greater civilian control through drugs, marijuana use, psychology, frequency, and stealth nano particles. So governments have this capability and really they’re not exploiting but taking advantage of what technology allows them to do nefariously. It’s up to you, your doctors, House Representatives and Governors to become educated. Education in this new paradigm of polarized speed, where technology and information speed along through laser photonic chips faster than you can possibly imagine.

“This time, the team has eclipsed the record that was set by researchers at the Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie, by proving that it is possible to transfer fully 43 terabits per second with just a single laser in the transmitter. This is an appreciable improvement on the German team’s previous record of 26 terabits per second.” World data transfer record back in Danish hands

According to Professor Leif Katsuo Oxenløwe data transfer speeds above 2 petabytes a second is now achievable, which translates to every bit of internet data the world over streamed in a second. Professor Oxenlowe’s work can be evaluated at url below:

I’m talking the speed with which the entire internet, all blogs, all data, everything – is transferred in less than 5 minutes in a commercial application.

Understand the tech, because right now Americans are vastly uneducated about the facts of streaming tech, nanoparticles, and ion generators. The fact the FDA does not test ANY products through atomic spectrometry as pre-screened for consumption for safety and skin use tells you how far behind the bureaucracy is. These guys in government, as a broader scope department to department, have no idea of tech capability, but are completely ignorant to the fact of our enemies capabilities through nano/frequency use and we have no choice as a society to implement protective measures to guard against such. They are a bureaucracy that has not kept up with the times.

Those in congress, who don’t understand this reality, either need to be educated or move on into another field that requires a lesser education. There are no more excuses when we can have every question answered from a computer that spits out the answer whenever we want it. For those who do not possess this capability, nor undersatnd the ramifications of such, certainly should not be in a position of serving any public office, when they are surrounded by those of us who use these tools to understand everything around us.

Knowledge standards for anyone running for public office: know who the enemies actually are, know how government runs, how money and usury works, what groups work against American interests, and outcome models that benefit society rather than break it down.

Technology has surpassed current congressional and state to state, city to city capability now, unfortunately. I have been to many cities who have outdated systems (some still use catalogue) so I’m not surprised with the FDA concerning NP’s (nanoparticles).

“It is well known that intravenously administered NPs are readily covered by plasma proteins, creating the so-called ‘protein corona’, which plays a crucial role on the NPs’ biodistribution and in vivo fate (Gref et al., 2000).”

“We showed, for the first time, that the lipid surface modification of porous nanoMOFs reduced their tendency to degrade rapidly in PBS. Moreover, the coating of nanoMOFs with PEG-lipid conjugates successfully decreased their uptake by macrophages in vitro by a factor of 3.6. Finally, nanoMOFs acted as ‘Trojan horses’ internalizing inside the cancer cells, and
carrying their Gem-MP cargo to interfere with DNA.”

Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS UMR 8214, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay, Orsay, France, 2 Department of Radiation Biology, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway, 3 University of Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5223, IMP, Villeurbanne, France.

Naturally most of society have no idea what it means to interfere with DNA using a trojan horse nanoMOF (metal organic framework) that your macrophage can’t detect and eradicate. They say it’s for “eradicating cancer,” but really nanoMOF are generally used for construction purposes or assembly of components in-vivo, drug delivery, or for tagging/tracking within an organism.

Stealth particulates (plastic, zeolite, metals) that are pegylated have the ability to bypass the BBB (blood, brain, barrier) and avoid macrophage consuming them. Which means they avoid causing apoptosis or cell death of the macrophage dying from attempting to eat plastic. Which can create a cytostorm response or eating frenzy to kill the foreign objects within the body. Macrophage will consume not only the plastic, but the tissue and aorta that’s it’s attached to. Imagine a soldering iron burning holes through blood vessels and aorta and you have an accurate image of what happens in the body.

Nanoparticles are a word that you need to understand and study as your life depends on it. All high school programs should be soliciting knowledge of NP’s to students. The danger facing government through frequency and NP’s are the real threat to society besides nuclear disaster and billionaire zealots who murder for real estate and resource.

Many of you out there believe you live in a video-game. I assure you – you do not. This is real life with real players who make real decisions that make them money. And that money comes at the expense of people and material.

You can’t trust or expect your government to update you or teach you about the dangers of the products you ingest or that are injected into you. They care of advancement only and keeping up with the Asian market who do not have laws prohibiting them from experiementing on their citizens openly.

It’s your job to be your own health advocate.

On a final note, for those who are forecasting nothing but doom and gloom to the masses – I think you’re full of it.

I think based on Nevi’im that we’re going to be heading into a financial bliss moment. I think Israel will fulfill prophecy of being the most hated on the earth for Elohim’s name sake, as written, baruch ata Adonai, and that Israel will come to loathe all her evil; a time of awakening whereby YHWH makes known to all the world the knowledge of both HaMashiach and deliverance.

Ezekiel 36:22

Therefore say unto the house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name‘s sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.

Matthew 10:22

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name‘s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

Jeremiah 14:7

O Lord, though our iniquities testify against us, do thou it for thy name‘s sake: for our backslidings are many; we have sinned against thee.

Psalm 23:3

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name‘s sake.

The “chosen people” concept (inaccurate as use) is steeped out of a deranged psychosis for those who were brought up in families who brainwashed their children for nationalism and is anti-Torah. When you constantly tell someone their special or chosen by G-d throughout their entire lives and that all other races and creeds will serve them, the person will begin to experience psychosis. Especially when the person being told such is secular, doesn’t believe in G-d, and is simply clinging to a form of identity.

That identity determines the decisions being made, the influence from peers, and whether the person will perform acts of violence, evil, or latch onto geoncidal philosophy or eugenics. We can examine how this psychosis evolved over the last several centuries and created mass murdering psychopaths.

In essence, you can define one who passes through this psychosis to come out the other side as a “bot,” or NPC (non player character) who becomes lost to ideology. Assimilated by Borg mentality, the NPC will do the bidding of it’s masters who also agree they are special and can destroy or create chaos at whim because they believe themselves to be above law and righteousness.

You’re a psychopath if you believe you are justified by blowing up apartment buildings filled with old people and kids. That’s pretty much agreed upon as universal thought from humanity. Only bots believe they are justified in doing so.

There is no other remedy or outcome other than those who do so are guilty of murder. The excuse doesn’t matter. Saying that terrorists attacked you first to justify destroying an entire city of civilians is not justifiable before YHWH who will judge all who have done so in perpetual. All of us will answer before YHWH for what we have done.

YHWH has promised all throughout history that Israel would be ruled with a rod  of iron and that a small remnant would be saved, which would eventually encompass the earth AFTER YHWH Himself purges the rebels amongst the nations completely.

In the modern world, as YHWH said would occur through strong delusion and lies, anyone can convert inheriting automatically all of history and salvation simply by saying “I’m Jewish.” This defines the modern day concept of Jewish culture. Never mind the fact that in order to be part of a covenant with Elohim, or be included in His salvation plan, you must first believe in His laws and actually believe in a creator.

The modern concept is you can be liberal, secular, or gnostic, make up the rules as you see fit, obey or disobey whatever you wish as liberalism, or anarchism and define your relationship to the creator of the universe in any shape or form you desire.

In this day and age pronouncing that “You’re Jewish,” regardless if you believe in G-d at all, has become your salvation rather than Eloheinu. This is the psychosis that has taken hold on our people and in which YHWH has promised to eradicate. The secular running Israel and America don’t want to hear that and the Chinese play along when they have their own ideas of world domination that have nothing to do with belief in YHWH or constitutional mandate.

You have Senators like Chuck Schumer writing books about Antisemitism, when he fails to understand society and technology have moved on from the narrative. Senators laughably still fail to understand that software analyses ALL documentation and books forensically and the schemes are not only hated by the public, but universally rejected now. I have made very clear that by the time a politican writes a book, gets it published, and makes a press announcement, investigators have already read EVERY subject concerning topics like antisemitism, and have cross referenced the data with thousands of books and millions of articles, debunking even the slightest malfeasance.

I laugh about this because I just think they’re too old to understand where the tech is, even if someone explains it to them – they just don’t seem to get it. The ship has sailed and they’re standing on shore thinking about what they should eat for lunch.

YHWH is separating from Zion the fakes, those who “call themselves of Judah, but are not,” and El Shaddai has made it quite clear who the frauds are that destroy our people for “safety and peace” through deception as navi forecast. I have no illusions, YHWH eradicates these frauds and tricksters who deceive our people. It’s done and you’ll watch it play out. We clearly see as prophecy has stated that those who have hi-jacked Israel are hated the world over. These gentiles, who have ruled over Israel for two thousand years, is coming to an end.

In a court of law I’m sure these leaders will tell you they have done everything for the sake of Israel, including all their murders and trafficking rings – all for the sake of Israel you’re told. YHWH the judge does not agree and His arm of justice has stretched forth in judgment.

We see how these groups destined to be destroyed by YHWH have twisted mitzvot for their personal lust of doing whatever they wish, because they tell you they are chosen ones who are exempt from any law, creed, or sanity. YHWH himself stated this would happen for His names sake so that Israel would loathe itself. So that you would detest yourselves and your sins and your crimes before Eloheinu so He can heal you.

Those who pronounce they are saved no matter what they do as they murder another human, or blow up their home, live in strong delusion in which YHWH, blessed be His name, promised that he would display to the world for this very purpose. That the nations see you for what you are – frauds and liars, for the purpose of redeeming His people through the eradication of what could be defined as tinok shenishba.

It’s why the population in Israel and England is over 50% secular, and why they both promote fake green sustainability, climate change nonsense, DEI, and agenda 2030 under an umbrella of tikkun Olam. They’re ran by the same board of directors.

Our people were deceived in Poland and Germany by the same factions who love war, death, and money. YHWH redemption time is near and we’ll continue viewing an awakening as the world shifts towards central control of logistics and religion in which there will be a great reaping of souls to salvation before the opening of the Seven Seals by HaMashiach.

In conclusion,

The stock market is going to ride high to make those last megabucks as we ride into Banking 2.0 stable coin, ethereum derivatives. The forecast is that the world market must unite, there will be basic supportive income allowance for most citizens, while currency through crypto allows both banking magnates and average citizens alike to forego petty financial endeavors.

Getting Rich – was an 80’s trend pushed into overdrive. It also allowed the time of merger dynasty for catabolism and the playing field to be leveled concerning gentile and jewish managed provisions. Nothing I see over the last millennia suggest that YHWH has not only completed His time frames accordingly, but His advice to all cultures and nations has rang out true and sound.

I am not expecting doom and gloom as so many of you are. I’m expecting redemption, both for Israel, and for those who have received korbanot through Jesus the Messiah named in 33 AD to this 5th of Av 5784. Financial markets will become wondrous as materiel continues to conglomerate.

As I have stated before and prophecy states, “you will throw your gold and silver into the street as worthless.” Those who call upon the name of the Lord for salvation, the same shall be saved.

He who has an ear to hear will hear.