Deny Failed Societal Models

Deny Failed Societal Models

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As any investigator now knows, large corporations pulled the trigger too early on this carbon investment scheme. Although the big players still have a large pile of government fiat chips on the table, your tax money, they also have their reputations and ability to forecast on the line. I think this paradigm is where they lose after winning for so long.

I think YHWH has leveled the playing field when it comes to understanding data and forecasting events. Anyone and everyone can forecast future events and scenarios as computer models now, whereas only a decade ago this was not yet feasible as a commercial enterprise.

The guys who were managing global money, if you want to call it that, or more precisely commodity and paper derivatives, aka, assignat, came up with this plan to keep infrastructure turning through this period of time now known as polarized speed of information.

During the final days of analogue, if we could measure such as a century of time, the plan was put together not so much nefariously as understood today, but rather what was considered a necessity from a point of doing good for society. Today, “doing good” has taken a back seat to the philosophy of “getting it before the other guy does.”

“Social engineering (the analysis and automation of a society) requires the correlation of great amounts of constantly changing economic information (data), so a high speed computerized data processing system was necessary which could race ahead of the society and predict when society would arrive for capitulation. Relay computers wore too slow, but the electronic computer, invented in 1946 by J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly, filled the bill. The next breakthrough was the development of the simplex method of linear programming in 1947 by the mathematician George B. Dantzig. Then, in 1948, the transistor, invented by J. Bardeen, W. H. Brattain, and,W. Shockley, promised great expansion of the computer field by reducing space and power requirements. With those three inventions under their direction, those in positions of power strongly suspected that it was possible for them to control the whole world with the push of a button. Immediately, the Rockefeller foundation got in on the ground floor by making a four year grant to Harvard College, funding the Harvard economic research project for the study of the structure of the American economy.” Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars

Fast forward to 2022 and the think-tank RAND publication of Return of Great Power War,

“Leading great powers stand apart from other wealthy, powerful countries in their ability to influence and determine events in other countries. By definition, countries that enjoy primacy have a greater ability to influence other countries than countries that do not. Thus they not only have power in the form of superior resources but also exhibit power over other countries to make them comply with their preferences to varying degrees. Compliance may be imperfect, and control may be weak, but there should be evidence that the preeminent power has the ability to either direct or influence the behavior of subordinate countries. Julian Go, a theorist in imperial formations, has distinguished between two forms of control. The first, formal control, consists of a relationship in which a great power directly controls and administers a subordinate state, usually a colony.22 This tends to take the form of laws that delineate the inferior rights and obligations of the dependent state. Officials from the mother country also directly administer affairs in the subordinate state. By contrast, informal control relies on indirect methods that nominally respect the sovereignty of the dependent power. However, in practice, the leading great power relies on many instruments and tools to exercise influence. These may take the form of incentives offered through alliances, bribes, blackmail, and intimidation. They may include support for coups, assassination, military invasions, and other actions to overthrow a recalcitrant regime and install a more compliant government.”

So as can be defined from the Harvard study the ability to recognize both the flow and management of economics in society and psychological conditioning, used as various formats globally, to what has led to now, an explosion of information through what can be described as Moore’s law.

I think billionaires gambled on the ideas of 1950’s Rockefeller influence, plugged data into their own supercomputers and were given answers based on data fed in. Albeit, it’s still a guess and a gamble when no one really knows what’s going to happen tomorrow, but we can believe we’re being as accurate as we can and hope we open our eyes to the sun shining once again.

Be that as it may, this large investment gamble to restructure world economy united under carbon credits and privatized land stolen from it’s very citizens, all the while the population catches on to the decades old scheme due to the fact of Moore’s law, information dissemination – basically God leveling the playing field between Oligarchs and peasants. And then the necessary race to be first to survive, conquer and control.

Obviously society is catching up to what the elites have known for decades through simple data mining. Yes you can catch up very quickly based on what you examine or read; it’s really that simple, educating yourself to reality.

However, it’s not so simple is it? Those caught up in ten second Tik Tok living are certainly not going to read for an hour about apoptosis caused through nanoparticulates. The population in general would rather spend that same hour gaming or consuming what’s put right in their face. Searching for answers?? Why? When you can just have fun and forget about life for awhile by diving into Xbox or Playstation games, furiously texting to X, Snapchat and Instagram.

China would be fine with Americans on Tik Tok all day. It means that millions of people are addicted to a weak form of dopamine delivery. Is it you out there trapped in this artificial bubble created for you? Did you fall into the trap, the snare laid out for you? Don’t beat yourself up if you find yourself checking your phone every single minute. It just means they got you. And you require a remedy to slow drip dopamine by doing something that provides a better adrenaline dump.

Get involved in sports – any sport. I don’t care what it is. Go fishing. Go biking. Anything that gets you off that phone addiction. The sooner society moves on from this control box, which we will eventually, the better off society will be. This little square device known as the cell phone is literally your demise.

The entire architecture of global control is, as ridiculous as it sounds, dependent on the cell phone or you being plugged into their control systems. Simple as that.

Stop using microsoft products. Stop using social media traps. Stop using any monopoly service that has you addicted or trapped. That’s your road to freedom.

There is nothing you can do to stop them from burning down Rome. It’s a choice and choices have consequences. Those who decide to burn down Rome must live with their choices and the fate of doing such. I think from a future standpoint of retaining control when every model says it won’t work is extremely foolish. Well, the house believes it’s already beat the odds with their calculations, but they never take into account Elohim intervention.

The answer we always receive is “we’ll take our chances,” or “we don’t believe in one god.” So what can you do right? Let it play out. Let the cartoon villains on your Plasma screens do what they do and fall. It’s inevitable anyway according to all modeling forecasts I see. The output models accepted by these guys paints a murky future they believe they can mold, due to the fact they have been pretty successful for the last eight decades.

The glaring mistake they fail to understand is threefold:

  1. Catabolism in pathology
  2. Money systems are fleeting
  3. Natural disasters caused by the creator

I see people like Kim Dot Com discussing with Alex Jones that it’s stupid for these wealthy billionaires like Zuckerberg to be building bunkers in Hawaiian volcanic rock to survive this possible destruction scenario considered inescapable.

You better believe Meta personnel are a bit more knowledgeable than Alex Jones. But yes, Mr. Jones is correct that it’s an act of futility to live out a decade in an underground bunker when God has the overall say of mankind’s destruction. I would ask can you escape God? But I mean c’mon, if you have three billion dollars to spend for survival, what would you do?

So I think you have to put yourself in their shoes and realize, ok, they have access to these models since the late 90’s. These forecast computers that are spitting out scenarios after examining pentabytes of information.

The US has retaken the top spot in the world supercomputer rankings with the exascale Frontier system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee. The Frontier system’s score of 1.102 exaflop/s makes it “the most powerful supercomputer to ever exist” and “the first true exascale machine,” the Top 500 project said Monday in the announcement of its latest rankings. Exaflop/s (or exaflops) is short for 1 quintillion floating-point operations per second.” link

That’s outdated now folks. When photonic laser chip streaming becomes commercial, it’s over for governing enterprise and they know it. The computation ability right now allows the average person to know EVERYTHING. It allows you to gauge where the stock market is going daily INSTANTLY, sans the constant tinkering to stop AI from slurping up continuous profits. The gambling house known as NASDAQ now understands supercomputers render trading capability for the average user to become Rainman,

That’s just auto-trading the financial market, how about hundreds of millions of citizens using supercomputers to bid on Real Estate, or perhaps strategies of putting large chain retail operations out to pasture?

I think you get the drift.

The mind blowing reality is that two years from now the average day-trader will be auto-trading using AI and affordable software and OUTNUMBER house traders. The old adage of “the house always wins” no longer applies as computers will be auto-trading for billionaire magnates the same as it does for Charlie down the street. If you do not understand the panicked alarm over this then I don’t know what to tell you.

It’s also the reason you see Congressmen initiating new tax programs for the rich via socialist policy concerning those who earn above $1M a year. Computers are explaining to government employees that there is going to be alot of people getting wealthy very quickly. So although global government desires more regulation (usurping) of commodity, currently being addressed by P5 members, the fact the average citizen can now beat the financial market every-single-day is a major problem for them. They understand technology, trading software in general, tips the scales of power back to the people and erodes their wealth in every category.

So this thing about microchips getting smaller and more powerful every two years under Moore’s law has outpaced legal discovery now. What this means is that the technology of society will outpace the time it takes for discovery in a lawsuit. Literally lawsuits stand still against the tide of technology information. Whatever justice system you believe existed a week or a year ago, has no capability of keeping up with data stream now.

The laws can’t be passed fast enough and society can’t be guarded against technology inventions in law which would limit their destructive use on society, nanoparticles for example. By the time a law is passed for any prevention (within a 24 month period) the tech developed in that time has already outpaced any law or conversation of such.

That’s where we’re at and why governments are peeing their pants.

Tech data stream in general, is now a wild kicking, unbridled Clydesdale horse, stomping it’s way through society and there is nothing anyone can do about it short of killing the horse. And if they kill the horse then the cell phone is gone, the data stream is gone. It (technology and internet) may be held for the upper crème de la crème, while denied to the mob, but they’ll just arm themselves and rebel just as always in history.

Again, all models forecast a fail, so bunkers are built and they stick to their agreed upon society controlling models that they believe will keep things from getting out of hand while maintaining their monarchy altogether.

So this limitation on population growth, bring it to zero as we see in many nations is based from a Swiss model of a population with less than that of Michigan, so it don’t work right.

There is a vast difference between Deagle and Pew research.

And this brilliant idea of taxing carbon, buying up swaths of land or convincing dictators to lend you millions of acres to declare “it’s protected land,” that we’re going to protect and tax for that protection. And we’re going to start an ETF scheme called this “carbon land protection” and dump two hundred billion dollars into it and convince others to invest in it, right – yeah it’s laughable on it’s face. Russia and Ukraine account for aprox 25% of world grain production.

But it’s a slick idea because the last bits of land are being got by the P5. They control the governments, the infrastructure, the fiat, and literally have an army of trolls going to every blog and social media outlet trying to psychologically convince the population by parroted group think of these things, while maintaining a FOP (psychological fear operations) to push or herd society step by step in the direction with the hope of not getting caught or outted.

So it went bad. They’re losing money which requires them to sell things, pilfer treasuries of nations, basically have a yard sale and try to seize more assets/taxes in the process to feed this investment, which they had hoped would not be found out exactly what it is, technocratic control, before instituted or accepted by society. Unload all your outdated armament into Ukraine so Russia can blow it all up. Europe and the U.S. can rev their economies up, give their militaries billions of dollars to make more equipment and bolster fresh inventory to burn, while reinforcing strategic alliance to bring in fresh military aged nations like Indonesia and Malaysia who can now dip their toes in the water.

But it didn’t work out the way they planned. Due to technology and data dissemination they were outted within weeks of Covid-19 kicking off – that fast. So the jig is up sorta speak and now they’re going to lose lots of money, which was mostly pilfered from billionaires and treasuries. We predicted the billionaire wars because of this fact that the guys getting burned out of their money would want a little payback and throw some wrenches into the process to unwind it and cause these guys to rupture assets as payback and we see that happening.

So we know that their initial Bayesian models have failed,

and now they’re comfortable with pushing the same exposed narrative and not backing down since China, England, and Europe have moved a bit faster with operations seeing that America has laws to be manipulated to catch up.

Imagine you’re about to invade Germany but you let the enemy know exactly what you’re going to invade, how you’re going to do it, how much equipment and manpower you have, logistics, and instead of saying “ok, we’re discovered,” LOL, they are doubling-down and marching ahead. Ok so this is very predictable by the British, this “I don’t give a damn” attitude marching into machine gun fire.

So Russia and other nations are like, ok, do it then, march into the bullets and the bombs, go ahead, we’ll make more.

So the farce is up from the 1950’s Rockefeller economic Harvard studies.

They were simply told, “yes you have the capability to run (steer) the nation economically,” and “who else is going to do it proper but us,” is always the mindset here when the power is in your hands. You’re not handing it off to a competitor, no, you’re going to ride that out for as long as you can and deny any competitors of stealing your turf.

So that kinda describes the last eighty years give or take concerning the requirement of steering economy, keeping the power really, and losing control as technology outpaces the ability to cover up what’s been done.

So if we go back to the modelling and the fact every government by now understands this thing doesn’t pan out. If you don’t know, then I suggest you pay a think-tank that uses a supercomputer to send you a forecast based on proper questions submitted and you’re going to get your answer. You better be selective on who gives you the “correct” answers. Many of the think-tanks are compromised and you’re quite honestly better off just buying a computer at the gigahash level and simply program it with your own staff.

The only ones still confused about all this is apparent – the media in general. And the owners thereof are not going to feed the data to the public that reveals the theft and the fact that they want to steer society into this logical, efficient carbon management, which simply translates to – too many mouths to feed under a British/German eugenic policy.

Ok so I don’t blame the original ideas of Rockefeller jumping in on this study with Harvard to see if they could actually control U.S. economy. Some call this treasonous corporate greed on their part and that’s like saying Washington didn’t collect taxes for the Crown of England. It’s not treason to take control of commodity when you already own most of it and are feeding it to the most powerful nation on earth to keep their never-ending gluttonous appetite filled.

So once again, you have to see it from the other shoe. Jump in their shoes for a moment and realize what these historical characters had to do while trying not to be eliminated by competitors and world leaders. It wasn’t all bad, but like anything that alludes to money, power, and control, you’re not going to give up the enterprise willingly once you have it.

I’ll conclude here that the public needs to educate itself like Whitney Webb has done. She doesn’t understand the full accounting, like most of us, but together we can help each other understand history, who runs things, and how we as humanity can force accounting similarly as they have forced their ideology on populations, nations, and cultures. It’s not ran by the same quasi-ethical economists of 1955 who were waging war against communists to maintain commodity neutrality.

Like any empire it’s a matter of time and although the British like to “full steam ahead” especially in the face of annihilation, we don’t need to hold their hand. They’re big boys. Let them go marching into oblivion as they desire. We’re not with you on the climate cult pact thing that destroys you. The lies don’t work anymore; the model chosen is failure – you’re on your own bro.