5 Year Sobering British Forecast

5 Year Sobering British Forecast

pic courtesy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NFjx1oSMxM&t=1s

source: https://www.heritage.org/global-politics/event/popular-sovereignty-the-us-uk-special-relationship-the-age-trump-farage-and

This will grant you understanding of why the Trump administration is distancing itself from Project 25. The British are communicating to the Trump campaign that the conservative party in England is on “life support,” which means that Project 25’s sweeping changes to U.S. government does not align with British “Deep State” policy, which currently determines White House policy through the Rhodies, The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency.

2025 Mandate for Leadership (Project 25),

“Yet the federal bureaucracy has a mind of its own. Federal employees are often
ideologically aligned—not with the majority of the American people—but with one
another, posing a profound problem for republican government, a government
‘of, by, and for’ the people. As Donald Devine, Dennis Kirk, and Paul Dans write
in Chapter 3, ‘An autonomous bureaucracy has neither independent constitutional
status nor separate moral legitimacy.’” https://www.project2025.org/policy/ Taking the Reins of Government Section 1

Now that the bad guys are conglomerating their positions, rat-traps are set to ambush these moles in government. They believe they’re going to recalibrate under the guise of released pathogens, border wars, and digital kill boxes, when in fact the rebel factions fighting the Empire have decyphered all their coded messages thanks to forensic technology.

Technology has already outpaced their stupid profit agendas that kill cultures, nations, and critical infrastructure. Anyone with the ability to read can examine their initatives and understand they’re just a bunch of wealthy, greedy, fascists who became psychophants in order to breach governing positions and donating benefactors to aide their cause of global domination.

They are not working Americans, but foreigners who intend to utilize eminent domain to steal American investments and property, while buying up land and resource all the while in the hope of changing homestead laws so you can’t own anything.

I find it comical that both the British and Zionist regimes still believe they have control of narrative when everything they put out as data is instantly, INSTANTLY disseminated. The world watches Gaza as a 4k streamed genocide and our congressmen give standing ovations. All of their tricks, legal schemes under the Bar Association, judges married into their families, all their corporate business, non-profits, and connections examined and understood completely by investigators. The farce is about over and they know it.

They are so very confident in their lies while think-tanks the world over reel in derision. Governance in the so-called United Kingdom represents a society they wish to brainwash and remain lineage divisive, top-down hierarchy that has no ability to defend itself since the citizens were disarmed in the late 1990’s. After dealing with Monarchy for centuries the Brits continue to be squeezed. The era of Oliver Cromwell, the Beatles, and Michael Caine is long gone like many of the greats throughout the stoic and magical history of the British Isles,

This is the self-preservation society
This is the self-preservation society
Go wash your German bands, your boat race too
Comb your Barnet Fair we got a lot to do
Put on your dicky dirt and your Peckham rye
Cause time’s soon hurrying by link

British citizens are in fact under complete globalist control and cannot be relied upon to either grant legitimate advice, consultation, or any derivative that is separate from a “build back better” sustainably green mentality that is being used to destroy the world’s infrastructure as a 4th reich initiative.

Government export besides cars and pharma products are spies, agenda, and usury. They can think in no other terms other than subjugation or serfdom as this is the core of their historical foundation for over a thousand years. Staying credible means reinventing etymology, philology and history as something they can claim ownership over as a disheveled, nonunified coastal Island. In which their citizens have suffered ignominy at the hands of a monarchal, globalist, eugenicist faction.

The Brits have had enough and rightly so, but will they fight back against tyranny? History suggest they’ll muddle through. All of the riots and mayhem will be attributed to far right activists.

Everything in the world that occurs with riots is being blamed on the far-right. Don’t these globalists understand everyone can see the same thing everywhere. No one is buying the farce anymore.

For instance, the London Net Zero 2030: An Updated Pathway,

“As we grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic globally, we are reminded of the public health, environmental, ecological and economic implications of failing to tackle the climate emergency. Time is running out to keep global warming at 1.5°C or below. Above this threshold, scientists advise that climate change could unleash far more severe effects on people, ecosystems, and wildlife. The IPCC warned last year that the world has a remaining budget of 360-460 billion tonnes of CO2 to release into the atmosphere if warming is to remain below 1.5°C this century.7 If current levels of emissions are maintained, the IPCC estimates that the remaining budget would be used up in around a decade.”


The real climate change is the ocean of plastic, chemicals, vaccines, and nanoparticles they own which poison you daily for profit. Just forget the fact Fukushima has dumped millions of tons of nuclear waste-water from the Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan since 2011, after a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami devastated the area.

Ok so Bloomberg and Blackrock as well as ALL major financial institutions (that they own) are echoing this green climate scheme to the tune of $1T cost per year as investment. Right, but no help in cleaning up Fukushima or the other hot spots of the world. In essence, they are saying it will cost $1 trillion a year to setup the infrastructure that they will own while putting everyone else out of business. This coup upon the world is known as the “billionaire wars” and expect such large organizations similar to Blackrock, as vulnerable as their assets are, to expect heavy resistance by “billionaires” who refuse to be replaced for their fake green initatives. When I say resistance, the projections showcase a constant degradation of their enterprise as the world economy approaches the end results of a catabolic state.

In laymen terms, all organisms – everything operates through catabolism, whether any economist agrees or not.

The catabolic state suggests that large entities, like Blackrock, gobble, gobble business and infrastructure so rapidly they become like a supernova. Science and homeostasis points out that the consuming entity will be destroyed for energy release into the biome to “reset” pathogenic pathway by stabilizing smaller entities through the cataclysm of the larger entity, which defines anabolic protection for all genomes.

Blackrock, like other large companies need for equity and control is their undoing according to science. However, they can avoid a catabolic disaster by divesting similiar to GE. Although GE was a bit late in the restructure, they were able to avoid disaster and Blackrock will need to make hard decisions concerning breaking up divisions in order to survive what is now deemed “polarized speed” of technology.

The English nobility sold out long ago to the “globalists” and their citizens have been brainwashed for generations as good chimpanzees who still edify an absolutely corrupt entity, who also happens to control policy through installed politicians at the WH.

Americans will have to fight the globalists in the future pretty quick here – everyone is aware of this unless you live in a cave. Unlike the British, Americans are armed. What will be defined as armed insurrection by the Empire, will only embolden those who continue to unite for the eventual eradication of the parasitical technocrats. People sense the struggle, just the same as instantly seeing a spider, or bug crawling on the wall.

You’re going to see more advertisements, similar to what’s happening in multiple nations, of “far right riots” that could break out at anytime. MSN will possibly run these fake ads daily and weekly as we head towards elections. Of course this narrative is to keep the fictional soap opera division alive between left vs right nonsense, that unfortunately much of the public still believe.

Whether the UK or the US, the “far right rioters” are paid contractors, or hired actors who are trained in crowd control usually by foreign military personnel, much like antifa, to sew division and strife. As example:



“Two Georgian snipers say Saakashvili hired them in Tbilisi for a US-backed operation. But they know only about the ‘Georgian Legion’ part. They think it was patterned on Georgia’s Rose Revolution. They each got $1000 for the operation and flew to Kiev on 15 January and were promised $5000 on return. (9:00) ‘We had to provoke the Berkut police so they would attack the people.'” from Gian Micalessin, The hidden truth about Ukraine.

Color revolutions were picked from fiction novels and jumped out of late 1960’s post-Vietnam era. Films such as Bananas 1971, staring Woody Allen, showcase such. Any three letter agency who spouts “far right” terrorism are reading from these fictional scripts that were developed decades ago. They still use the narrative since the public is still fooled by it. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” seems to be the idea. Both think-tanks and Federal agencies have parroted the “far right terror” fiction, while those controlling left vs right are the actual villains funding and committing crisis theater that results in civilian deaths.

There is no way to hide this data any longer since it’s been disseminated so widely. If you’re an investigative reporter or special agent, then it’s your duty to stop being ignorant and look at the facts for yourselves without propaganda input from the poynter institute.

The sad part is that employees of many government organizations are ignorant of the investigations and data they are fed from the top. For example, if you have a Federal investigation, the data is going to be fed through intelligence gathering by agents in the field or Directors who point the way. Data suggest average “special agents” have no clue or understanding that their investigation into far right groups is a policy by those who control the WH and state departments. This is very evident by think-tanks, such as RAND who push anti-right agenda. Nothing new here.

Organizations who push fake narratives for political theater are of course, not legitimate. So that’s why you see a call for dismantling the FBI and other agencies when really, those who are installed and oversee the operations are the ones who need to be removed from duty. In order to make the narrative real, groups must then pay people to actually go into crowds, commit violence and try to start riots, right? We all know this now. If you’re a journalist who doesn’t know this, then I suggest you get into another line of work.

It’s quite evident America has enemies trying to destroy the election process, steal as much as they can from the treasury, while degrading culture into Sodom and Gomorrah. The purpose for such is what Americans don’t want to hear, or believe about, due to the fact the beliefs and methodology are mind-boggling evil. Educating the jewish and non-jewish communities can be difficult while both shed the brainwashing instilled since their youth.

So what’s behind it all? Religion, being used for money, power, and control.

So I’ll teach you something here that you may not know, or suspect, but just don’t really understand since it’s religious mumbo-jumbo.

According to Tanakh (Bible) YHWH promises to destroy any land/culture that has defiled it’s land with prostitution, sodomy, and adultery. It doesn’t matter if you believe this or not because Christians, Jews, and Islam believe this as reality. Ok, so first you have to accept the fact economics, right vs left, trans, LGBTQ, color revolution, and immigration is all based on religious belief. It doesn’t matter that you have liberals talking out of both side of their mouth. It doesn’t matter if they say they are secular. The broad agenda from behind the curtains is about religion.

The religionists believe they can alter society using “tinok shenishba” to bring about a total degradation of society so Moshiach (Messiah) will show up and fix everything.

This is the core belief whether you want to accept this or not.

In the Jewish world the right is considered orthodox which believe in Talmudic logic. They have fringes who believe they must control the world, all real estate, money, resource as a mitzvot, or a direct command from G-d for the purpose of handing all that over to Messiah when he shows up. The left is hybrid reformers, (reformation 16th century) or secular who want to be lesbian or homosexual without consequence and still be considered “jewish” although the Torah forbids such. They believe in the false ideology of tikkun Olam, aka, sustainable goals, which they believe means “repairing the world,” which it does not. Either way each group is controlled by leaders whose end goal is based from misinterpretation of Torah analysis. Both groups vie for power, like any other nation group and have seats at the table that govern world economy.

We haven’t even begun to discuss China, Indonesia, Switzerland, Singapore, the Netherlands, or the fact the Saudis are building a 106 mile long city in the desert preparing for this showdown. So there are competing dogma and each group wants a stake (stakeholderism) at the table based on their thousand year old lineage or monarchy. Digesting the question “who is in control?” can be likened to eating a buffet platter from Golden Corral.

Those leading the pack right now we can view as Frankists at heart. Jacob Frank (Frankism) believed as others, that if they debauched society as much as possible through all sins, Moshiach would show up to fix it by embodying themselves, or one of their leaders.

Those who believe in the Frankist way are possibly deranged through deep seeded mental disorders described by Frank as, “deep humiliation and fury” from centuries of Polish, German, Prussian pogroms against Zydom. They believe they are justified for doing such things for revenge and that they are biblically mandated to do so. Those who believe this revenge narrative have gone so far to intermingle prophecy into their warped revenge schemes in attempt to convince the foolish they are somehow gods ordained to exact vengeance from the nations.

They are the real villains of society and wish to destroy all (build back better) to remake in their imagined fictional utopian carnal bliss. They fail to realize that the Greek Antiochus did the same thing in persecuting nations and failed. They have failed every time in history and YHWH has promised to completely destroy those who do such from the earth.

If any of your leaders, donors, or benefactors believe this way, as is evident from the Olympics ceremony, then you should be doing everything in your power to enact Law Enforcement, Generals, and leaders to move quickly to eradicate this terrorist network before they release further devastation upon society. History has already proven they will not stop doing evil, as they enjoy doing it and believe they are obligated to do it.

You’re dealing with what could be described as “wealthy lunatics” who believe that doing wrong is doing right for the end justification of a fictional belief. However, they know fully well what they’re doing, believe themselves to be quite sane and can be examined in a court of law.

Understand the danger facing society here. Understand these James Bond villains are real people who have and will utilize vast sums and resources, trillions of dollars, to get absolute control of all resources and people if they are allowed to do it. They are burning you out of your homes because permanent P5 members (US, UK, Russia, China, France) are vying for the remaining valuable real estate and commodities under the excuse they have to give this to the Messiah. Again, they believe this to be a command from their god. Everything for the most part has been divided through the UN Security Council, now it’s just a matter of conquering what remain.

Any amateur journalist can examine all the compiled data in one hour for a pretty clear picture. There are no more excuses for journalists, business leaders, or politicians now. You all have the evidence and data of the entire internet at your fingertips.

You will be required to take action as both military and Law Enforcement for the people, state to state, through Attorney Generals to eradicate these foreign entity operations on American soil which have taken over your governance. The states that refuse to do so by installed governors will fall to the globalists as they themselves are destroyed by their own policies. The globalists understand that they cannot live amongst the civilian population as they will be too easily eradicated by millions of souls seeking revenge.

Therefore, their installed proxies are easy to deal with and remove, as they themselves will remain hiden in bunkers and in shadows once their chess pieces begin to fall. This is the danger that faces intelligence agencies and military around the world, whether the internal departments of these agencies will continue to be lead by installed puppets that you know are being put there to destroy your way of life and culture. Whether people in all nations will rise up, unite together, and quash their nightmare dystopian plans remains to be seen. They are hoping you do nothing. That you remain idle and stupid for a paycheck like your clapping congressmen for genocidal terrorists.

Special Forces teams are always on “blue light” to eradicate superpac villains at any given moment if the need require. They do not care if their targets are paid-off politicians, drug lords, or Afghani warlords. They follow orders. Enemy bunkers and political connections won’t save the bad guys now that they have put their cards on the table. If you do not fully understand by now that congress and corporations are one in the same after the Congressional address then you need to educate yourself.

“They will look back with horror at the US lawmakers who cheered for a war criminal charged with the massacre of over forty thousand Palestinians — or, to cite more plausible estimates, two hundred thousand Palestinians, and over twenty thousand children. In the words of Reverend Munther Isaac, ‘History books will record that the US Congress hosted a war criminal and gave him an outrageous number of standing ovations.'” https://jacobin.com/2024/07/benjamin-netanyahu-address-us-congress

Maintaining control of White House policy is key to globalist survival. Once removed accelerates their demise.

I’ll leave you with this statement from Project 25, which the Trump campaign now disavows,

“America’s Bicentennial, which culminated on July 4, 1976, was a spirited and unifying celebration of our country, its Founding, and its ideals. As we approach our nation’s 250th anniversary, which will take place during the next presidency, America is now divided between two opposing forces: woke revolutionaries and those who believe in the ideals of the American revolution. The former believe that America is—and always has been—’systemically racist’ and that it is not worth celebrating and must be fundamentally transformed, largely through a centralized administrative state. The latter believe in America’s history and heroes, its principles and promise, and in everyday Americans and the American way of life. They believe in the Constitution and republican government. Conservatives—the Americanists in this battle—must fight for the soul of America, which is very much at stake.”

Both analysis above by Project 25 authors concerning left and right, reform or conservative, is based from flawed fictional narrative that they themselves have not the courage to face. Until we slam our hands on the table and say “ENOUGH LIES!” you will continue to be hoodwinked from your land, business, health, and ability to choose, while facing an onslaught of medical tyranny as the fascist ropes tighten around society.

This is the world today; your leaders are tieing the knots of your demise while grimacing in your faces. They laugh with mockery as they debase your holy rites before your eyes while they murder women and children for real estate. Your leaders cheer in approval for war and destruction for those who are unable to fight back in Africa, Gaza, and Ukraine and they justify all of it to keep their blood-money pumping.

YHWH help us and revenge us our souls! Elohim, God of our fathers, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we ask in unison that you would smash the destroyers of your world. That they would come to nothing. Remove the generations of wealth they have piled up and give it to the poor. Take from them their success and let it be fed to the poor. Let their wealth be heaped up and removed to those they have destroyed and seek to damage. Rise us up O Lord our God! Strengthen us by your mighty hand! Crush our enemies who seek to destroy us. Make known the difference between good and evil to the nations and remove the rebels and the vile from amidst your people. Let your hand stretch out for fury and vengeance for your people and your prophets! Let your vengeance unfold for the murdered souls and for the sin of our destroyers. Have mercy upon us Oh Lord in your greatness, and for your names sake, deliver us from the tyrants who destroy your people for money, greed, and power. Let them not gloat, but let darkness cover their faces. Let them fear and hide from those they have oppressed and in delusion destroy them as you have promised O King of the Universe, our Eloheinu. Cleanse your Holy City that the sound and the dealings of the wicked should be removed. Remember this land Lord our God, America, the land of which glorifies and praises your son Jesus in song and deed, the word of your salvation, the lamb of your redemption. Remove the enemies of your gospel from this nation. Remove those who pervert your Torah for evil, those perverting your land to deceive you to anger. Let your anger ride forth upon the enemies of righteousness, upon the enemies who steal from the poor to feed their power and lust. Forget not our tears before you YHWH, forget not your servants who ask for peace and the cleansing of evil from the land. In the name of your Mashiach, Jesus, I ask that this be done for the glorification of your name and that the enemies of your chosen should bow and weep in the dust.